Security Certifications
Does my business need security certifications?
There is no doubt that securing and protecting information is an essential requirement for all businesses today, irrespective of the market sector or size. The challenge for many businesses is implementing and maintaining a level of information security that is appropriate to the business. This can be achieved by adopting an approach to information security management that is based on continuous improvement and monthly reviews – a management system. It is important to note no two information security management systems (ISMS’) are the same, due to the perceived value of the businesses information, business goals, risk appetites, demands by customers and regulators.
The ISMS should be tailored for your business requirements and reflect the business, how you work, the terminology used and be part of business as usual. We make sure to be fully aware of these requirements and we are dedicated to assisting you to identify, achieve and maintain your desired levels of information security.
Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials is an official UK wide, government-backed certification that helps businesses guard against the most common cyber threats and reduce your risk by at least 80%. It also allows you to demonstrate your commitment to cyber security hygiene to prospective customers or regulators.
Cyber Essentials Plus
Cyber Essentials Plus, an official certification standard, requires an audit by a partner Certification Body. We can do remote auditing using proprietary software and stand ready to support those businesses who need to maintain their current certification or to gain a new certificate to carry on with their business or enter new procurement opportunities.
ISO 27001
To ensure that your information security management system (ISMS) based on ISO 27001 is appropriate and effective, it is necessary to understand to what it will apply.
Our main objective with any compliance/certification project is to work closely with you and the business to ensure that any implementations not only meet the Standards’ requirements but are also appropriate and relevant to your business’s culture and size.

Does your business need Cyber Essentials?
Cyber Essentials is a scheme created by the UK government’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to provide guidance on mitigating the most common cyber threats. No matter the size or scale of your business, Cyber Essentials is, well.. essential!
What people are saying!
“NexGen Cyber has helped us understand and build out our IT and security requirements. We were a small business growing very quickly with no IT experience in house but needing to formalise it within our business. NexGen Cyber has brought IT and Security standards to our business enabling our staff to do what they do best, run our business. They are able to do this with the assurance that their environment is a safe and robust one due to the support and management being carried out for us. Not only have NexGen Cyber formalised and secured our IT environment but have also helped us achieve our Cyber Essentials certification and soon to be Cyber Essentials plus certification. We really feel that NexGen have become our V-CIO, trusted advisor and feel very much at ease that we are in safe hands. We’re really excited to be working with NexGen Cyber moving forward in helping us with our IT and security requirements as we grow.”
Managing Director
JEMS Environmental